Street Light Preventive maintenance checklist
Maintaining street light is important now-a-days. A lighted street prevents any types of unethical work, theft, etc. as well as saves from snake bites and from stray animals.
Also, people move easily in a lighted street. But street light is open to sky and prone to rain, wind and other weather conditions. So, needs regular maintenance to keep them working.
Main Parts of a Street light:
- Panel/timer panel.
- Pole
- Arm
- Street light
- Cable
- Terminal box
- Connector
- Lugs
- Wires
Problems normally found on street lights
- Lights not working or flickering
- Lights left ON during the day
- Lights left OFF at night or with incorrect timings
- Damaged lights — particularly if it is causing a safety hazard
- Electric pole with street light knocked over
- Causing problems to travelers by positioning of light
- Lights being obstacle by trees
- Dim or outdated lighting
- A need for stronger or additional lights
- Defective or improper rating of MCB
Faults in Street Light
- Light
- Choke or driver
- Connector
- Termination of cable
- Wires
If Many Lights Are Not Working Together
- Cable fault may be due to civil or plumbing work
- Timer defective
- Contractor defective
- MCB/MCCB defective
Other Points Need To Check
- Grass around the pole
- Snake or Lizards entered to the junction box
- Rusting of pole
- Missing of Light cover
- Tree branches causing obstacle
- Earthing of street light
Functional Check Service
Each street light switchboard maintained under this Specification shall be activated and checks performed once a year for testing correct operation during normal hours shall include but not limited to the following:
- Turn all switches OFF & ON to stop dust build-up
- Turn all circuit-breakers OFF and reset
- Check for high resistance joints,
- Clean PE cell faces then cover to test functionality,
- Check MEN and earthing
- Luminaire cleaning and inspection,
- Inspect for any sign of vermin damage in the cabinet.
- Remove any Graffiti on cabinet,
- Trim all trees that interfere with solar-panels (where used) and light output of luminaires,
- Check all support structures for their integrities.