How to calculate the current of a motor or transformer?

KW to current and KVA to current conversion. It is very easy to calculate the current when you know the thumb rule.

Single Phase Load Current Calculation:

For 10 KW motor, motor current= 10 x 5 A= 50 A

For 100 KW motor, motor current= 100 x 5 A= 500 A

For 60 KVA Transformer, transformer current= 60 x 5 A= 300 A


Current= KW x 5 A or KVA x 5 A

Three Phase Load Current Calculation:

For 10 KW motor, motor current= 10 x 5 A /3= 50 A/3=16.66A

For 100 KW motor, motor current= 100 x 5 A /3= 500 A/3=163.66A

For 60 KVA Transformer, transformer current= 60 x 5 A/3= 300 A/3=100A


Current= KW x( 5/3)A or KVA x (5/3) A

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